Our school family includes the parishioners, clergy and church of St Joseph's Catholic Church on West Hill, Portishead. Liaison is done through our Parish Priest, Fr Richard Elson.
We are very lucky to also have a parish deacon, Rev Didier Delaplace, and a Children, Youth and Family Ministry worker, Anne-Marie MacIntosh. All three members of this parish team visit the school to engage with the children in different ways.
While the school and parish recognise that we have children of different faiths at our school who may attend worship elsewhere, all children and their families are especially invited to the school-led Mass held at St Joseph's Church each term. Times are advertised on both the parish and school websites.
Parishoners are welcome to attend Masses held at the school, and at times of preparation for the Sacraments, parishoners are introduced to the candidates during a Sunday Mass at the church.
You can visit the parish website here: https://www.josephfrancis.org/
Parish Priest - Fr Frank Wainwright
Deacon - Rev Didier Delaplace
Children, Youth and Family Ministry - Anne-Marie Mcintosh