St Joseph's School considers the safeguarding of the children and adults in our school as paramount. If children and adults feel safe and happy then all who work here will thrive and learn.
We have a number of key adults in school who have responsibility for safeguarding.
Mr Greg Bath
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mr Ed Broyd
Deputy DSL
Mrs Sharon Chichester
Deputy DSL
We also have three safeguarding governors. Their role is to monitor the safeguarding in school and also to be an extra contact for parents.
Mr Andy Shiel
Safeguarding Governor
Rev Didier Delaplace
Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Joanna Poole
Safeguarding Governor
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School works closely with the Diocese of Clifton, North Somerset Council and North Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership. Please see the links below for more information.